Rosa Roberts' art captures the vibrant beauty of nature through bold gestures, rich textures, and tropical motifs, evoking the lively essence of her travels

Born in 1984, Rosa Roberts grew up on a fruit farm in Norfolk before moving to London with her family as a teenager. She studied Fine Art at Central St Martin's and ran a business designing and conducting drawing workshops in London museums for eight years. In 2020, she transitioned to painting full-time.

"My paintings usually begin with observational sketches at home, in the studio, or outdoors. The larger works are the result of numerous iterations of these initial sketches until I finalize the composition, color scheme, and materials.

"Just before lockdown, I was in Bali, where I did many sketch paintings to calm my nerves amidst the growing chaos of the coronavirus situation. These Balinese sketches have since been the foundation for new compositions, allowing me to push my technique and develop a new aesthetic in my work.

"Travel, especially to tropical places, has always been a significant source of inspiration for me. Plants, nature, tropical motifs, and rich jewel colors have been consistent themes in my paintings over the last three years. Bold, gestural marks are almost always present.

"In this recent period of intense creativity, I've greatly developed my use of texture. My surfaces are now often built up with cardboard and collage, with the crevices and gaps between the layers becoming an integral part of the work. I spend a lot of time planning and building these textures, focusing on pattern, directional marks, and layering to capture the vibrance and beauty of 'alive things.'" - Rosa Roberts